About Us

At AIRestaurantMarketing.us our mission is to empower food service operators across America with innovative technology and service solutions proven to Increase total sales, reduce expenses and increase profitability.  With 29 years of dedicated service, we have a proven track record of supporting the SMB community.

Different from many others in our industry, all offering are sold by English speaking Americans skilled and knowledgeable in designing service program to best fit your needs and providing your ongoing post-sale support.  Our purpose is to provide you a single source of contact to eliminate your frustration of wasting time on hold, in endless call ques and telephone transfers. And your prices are locked in for the term of your agreements to the best of our abilities.

All offerings can be purchased at a substantial discount in our bundled service program with our free restaurant protection package or can be purchased individually on a stand-alone basis.  

  •      AI Restaurant Marketing: proven to increase your total monthly sales by 30% or more within six months of implementation.  It’s a Turn-Key marketing program done for you to free up your time to run your restaurant.  And is substantially discounted when purchased in our Bundled Service Program with near Zero Fee credit card processing. 
  • POS Systems with near Zero Fee Processing: Receive free stand by side terminal(s) or the first POS system that best fits your needs.  And all additional stations, printers, take it to the table terminals and or Kiosks are sold at wholesale costs, virtually eliminating credit card processing fees and saving you many thousands of dollars annually.
  • Search Engine Optimization: Enhance long-term sales through our affordable SEO services. Also substantially discounted when included in your bundled service program.
  • EV Charging Stations: Differentiate your business with customer-owned or 3rd party owned and managed charging solutions.  Either way your customers will enjoy the benefit of parking at your establishment.
  • BLUbeem Cash Handling by Brinks: Featuring next-day deposit and a Smart-Safe for armored car pickups.  Never again make a risky late-night deposit run to your local bank and once deposited into your Smart-Safe you have no access to the monies inside – protecting you from robberies.
  • Section 125 Labor Cost Management: Compliant, pursuant to Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code, preventative health and disease management program that does not disrupt or replace current insurance offerings.    Annual tax saving for you between $750 and $850 per employee.  It is available in 40 states where indemnity plans are approved by law. It increases your employee take-home pay by between 4-6% at no net cost.
  • AI-powered Delivery Robots: Boost efficiency and reduce reliance on part-time staff. Never sick nor late to work it augments your existing staffing by multiplying their effectiveness.  And routinely eliminates your reliance on 2 to 3 part-time bus employees.  Available for outright purchase or on a monthly rental program it immediately pays for itself many times over.
  • Consultant Review: Review of your subscription IT (Microsoft Cloud), Cybersecurity, Telcom and Internet service expenses, Electricity, Gas and Garbage Utility expenses and more.  Customers on average save 30-40% and keep 100% of the savings.
  • Merchant Capital: All Customers qualify after the first three full months of processing for Merchant Cash Advance financing up to 35% of your monthly processing volume.  Our financing portal provides you a plethora of business financing options including secured and unsecured term loans, Lines of Credit, SBA Financing options, Real Estate financing and more to help meet your working capital requirements and grow your business.  Quick, easy applications and with near real-time approvals you can be funded in as little as 24 to 48 business hours.
  • Business Insurance: Our Business Insurance portal provides you with a plethora of business insurance options with quick, easy applications and near real time coverage options you can place economical insurance in force easily.
  • Protection Package: Included for free with every bundled service program or available individually for $10+ per month per product is our unique restaurant protection package:
    • Chargeback – live, experienced specialists to guide and help protect you.
    • Commercial Cyber – experienced agents available 24x7x365 to help protect you.
    • Employment Practices Liability Services – help you create compliant EEOC policy, maintain compliance and help prepare your business if a claim is brought against you.
    • Disaster Response Services – resume operations within 24 hours of a disaster, and more.
    • Business Continuity Services – Business preparation & continuity planning, Claims Concierge & Advocacy help you through the entire claims process.  And more.

Our value to you as your single point of contact for marketing, POS technology, credit card processing, and business management needs is to ensure your business thrives.